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Location: USA Company Formation   ※ Guangzhou /Foshan /Nanhai /Shunde /Shenzhen /Dongguan... HK /UK /USA /BVI...

Register USA Company| Set up a company in USA

A corporation is more complex than partnerships or sole proprietorships, in that a new legal person is created. A corporation is an entity that is separate from its owners, so that regardless of what happens to shareholders, the corporation continues until it is legally dissolved. Depending on state law, a corporation can be owned by just one person and have just one director and officer. The owner(s) of a corporation are known as shareholders. The shareholders elect directors to set the policies of the corporation and represent their interests. The directors appoint the officers of the corporation to manage day to day operations. Corporations are legally required to follow more formalities than any of the other entities, including annual meetings of the shareholders and directors, as well as board approval of most significant acts by the corporation. Because a corporation is separate from its shareholders, for example, even if one person is the sole
shareholder/director/officer, that person cannot just take company funds for him/herself without documenting the reason and entering a board resolution into the corporate records. Taxation of corporations is much more complex than sole proprietorships or partnerships: depending on the number of, residency of and type of shareholders, a corporation can elect to be treated for tax purposes as a if it were a partnership (an S corporation) and therefore not pay taxes itself, or it can be treated as a taxable entity (a C corporation).

Limited Liability Companies (LLCs)
An LLC is a hybrid of corporations and partnerships, combining the features of both. LLCs are extremely flexible, and can be used for a very wide range of businesses. The members (equivalent to shareholders or partners) can, but need not, have limited liability; can, but need not have, managers (equivalent to directors and officers) and can elect to be taxed either as corporations, or as partners (if they have two or more members) or be disregarded for tax purposes like a sole proprietorship. Like partnerships, LLCs can be as simple or complex as the members’ desire. Depending on state law, an LLC can have the same limited liability for members as a corporation, or have some members with limited liability and some without limited liability (like a limited partnership), or even have no limited liability for any members (like a general partnership). Unlike corporations, some States require that their LLCs designate a date in the future at which the LLC will automatically dissolve. Some States also require that if a member dies, goes bankrupt or meets some other calamity the remaining members of the company must either dissolve or vote to continue.
US companies can be established in most if not all US states and based on there being no US trade they are subject to zero corporate tax; however certain states do levy a state or franchise tax.

Registration condition
1. No less one shareholder and director of above 18 years old .
2. Registered Office Address (Provide by us)
3. Registration Secretary (Provide by us)

Registration procedure
1. Provide your company name , passport no and your address to register;
2. Pay the charges and Sign the document;
3. Take the completed documents 15-20 working days later;
4. Receive company complete file.


Guangzhou office:27A,21/F.,Zhongqiao Building,Xianlie Road M.,,Guangzhou,GuangDong,China   Tel:86-020-87323100 (24 hour hot line)
Foshan office:Flat 4029-4030,40/F.,Baihua Plaza,33 Zumiao Road, Chancheng District,Foshan City,Guangzhou,GuangDong,China    Tel:86-757-83122090(24 hour hot line)
HongKong:Room 2107-9,21/F., CC Wu Building, 302-308 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Eamil:info@finerise-hk.com  © 2005-2025

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